Srotas is one of the vital parts of body defined as passages which facilitates transportations of various materials including Dhatus. The normal physiological functioning of Srotas helps to maintain good health status but any abnormalities in Srotas like; Srotorodha can be manifested as pathological conditions. Srotasas maintain metabolic activities, balances fluid volume, maintain body temperature, supply nutrients and facilitate process of detoxification. Ayurveda described many Srotasa and Udakavaha Srotas is one of them. Udakavaha Srotas maintain fluid balances from two places of its origin; Talu and Kloma. The inappropriate functioning of Udakavaha Srotas can lead many pathological conditions including electrolyte imbalances. Present article described Ayurveda view on Srotas W.S.R. to Udakavaha Srotas and pathological correlation with electrolyte imbalances.
Panchakarma is one of the important therapies of Ayurveda science which eliminate excessive Doshas, maintain good health states and cure many diseases. Panchakarma therapy encompasses many modalities Vamana and Virechana are some of them. Virechana mainly helps in the elimination of Pitta Dosha and treat disorders related to gastric system and skin diseases. Vamana also helps to cure problem related to Kapha and Pitta dosha. Vamana helps in Pandu, Prameha, Unmada and also offers therapeutic benefits in respiratory problems. Considering therapeutic importance of Vamana and Virechana Karma present article explored Ayurveda perspective on both therapies.
The Indian system of clinical practice Ayurveda mentioned various aspects related to the normal physiological functioning of body, diseases and their management. In this way ayurveda elaborated concept of Srotas means micro-channels of body which performs functions of transportation and circulation. The Srotas not only perform important functions of body but also restore normal health status of body. Vitiation and depletion in Srotas can lead many pathological events inside the body. Srotas nourishes body, maintain metabolic and digestive activities and restore process of detoxifications. The abnormalities in Srotas involve disturbances in transportation process. Pathological conditions related to abnormalities in Srotas can be managing clinically pacifying vitiation of Srotas. Present article described clinical perspective of Srotas as per ayurveda considerations.
Panchakarma is one of the vital aspect of Ayurveda which not only helps to remain healthy but also imparts spiritual health though physical and mental detoxification. Vamana, Virechana, Vasti, Nasya and Rakta Mokshana are major approaches of Panchakarma. Virechana means therapeutic purgation which purifies whole body and eliminate vitiated Dosha and toxins through intestinal/anal route. Virechana offers significant relief in various diseases such as; jaundice, colitis, abscess, liver disorders, gout, constipation, diabetes, asthma and Pakshaghata, etc. Virechana specifically cures diseases which may occur due to the vitiation of Pitta dosha. Considering therapeutic importance of Virechana present article emphasizes beneficial effects of this therapy in various diseases.
Urticaraia is a condition related to hives which something triggered from outside the body. Urticaraia involves appearance of erythamatous rashes on skin which may be sometimes associated with inflammation and allergy. The modern science offers symptomatic relief up to some extent and patient may have to take medicine for longer period of time. The longer duration of modern therapy in urticaraia may cause some side effects. Homoeopathy recommended for the management of urticaraia which can provide permanent cure from disease. This article focuses on causes, types, symptoms and treatment of urticaraia by homoeopathic medications.
Genital Prolapses means condition of fall down, expansion or displacement of female genital organs. The female genital organs such as rectum, vagina and uterus mainly prolapsed and in this regards ayurveda mentioned several pathological states such as; Andini Yoni Vyapad, Mahayoni, Prasramsini Yoni Vyapad and Phalini Yoni Vyapad. Similarly uterine prolepses are also very common which may occur due to the Pradustaartava, Dukha Prasava, Mithya Ahara-Vihara and Abhighata, etc. Ayurveda described various approaches like enhancing genital parts laxity, strengthening of muscles, relieving pain, pacifying vitiated Vata, relaxing pelvic tissues and avoiding suppression of natural urges, etc. For the management of Genital Prolapses. Present article described ayurveda perspectives on Genital Prolapses and its management.
Ajayraj Vishwanath Bal* and Vikas Vallabha Kasture.
Ayurveda mentioned various materials obtained from natural sources for different therapeutic purposes. Kshara Kalpana is one example of such types of materials which is extensively used in Shalya Tantra. These are alkaline preparations made from natural materials like; coral, Mulaka, Snuhi and Arka, etc. Kshara composed of ashes of herbs and mineral based products. These preparations are used for many therapeutic purposes and play vital role in para-surgical interventions. Kshara preparations are used in Mutrashmari, Arshas, Nadi Vrana and Bhagandhara, etc. Kshara Sutra is mainly employed in treatment of Bhagandar, Arsha and in various ailments where Lekhan and Ksharan are expected. Considering these entire conditions present article emphasizes therapeutic importance of Kshara, W S R, to Paneeya Kshara in Ashmari.
The formulations based on medicinal plants contributed significantly in the development of modern medicine. Ayurveda researchers presented many herbal preparations for the management of different health ailments. The plant based drugs offers therapeutic response with minimal chances of side effects. The presence of bioactive molecules in herbal preparations can be attributed to their pharmacological responses. Ayurveda described some natural drugs as potent antibacterial and antiviral agents; Triphala and Haldi are some of them. These drugs known for their immune-modulator and antimicrobial properties. The Gandusha, uses of Triphala and Haldi can reduces susceptibility towards the respiratory infections. The guideline suggested by authorized agency also mentioned that use of such practices probably reduces spread of current pandemic infection.
Ayurveda the natural science of disease management provides several concepts for maintaining normal health status. The good health as per ayurveda mainly depends upon pattern of daily regimen. Food habits, sleeping time, environmental conditions and genetic factors also affects health of an individual. In this connection ayurveda suggests concept of Swasthavritta which not only helps to maintain optimum health but also prevent disease prevalence especially infectious disease. The global population currently fighting against pandemic outbreak and it is believed that basic principles of ayurveda related to the hygienic conduction may help to prevent infections up to some extent.
The traditional science of Indian medicine developed from Vedic period and ancient philosopher presented many principles related to the health management. The ayurveda science witnessed gradual evolution of theories based on logical considerations and clinical practices. These theories provided ways of healthy living and explored role of natural drugs in the management of many diseases including Pratishyaya. Pratishyaya is pathological condition affects children mainly associated with infections or allergic reactions. Running nose, sneezing, body ache, fever and discomfort, etc. are common symptoms of Pratishyaya. The disease is very common and greatly affects quality of life of children as well as their parents. Therefore it is prerequisite to manage such condition effectively using natural drugs. Considering this present research work was planned to evaluate role of Mustakadi Avaleha in the management of Pratishyaya.