About 75 percent of the money spent on medicines is for primary care. It is estimated that 50 and 30% of the medication prescribed for chronic diseases are not taken as directed. It is not necessary to increase medication intake for patients in order to address non- adherence. Understanding patients' thoughts on medications and the potential reasons why they may not want to accept them or unable to do so is the first step. Practitioners owe it to their patients to educate them on their options for care and to make sure that they use any prescribed medications efficiently. The prescribing, dispensing, and reviewing of medications is now being done by an increasing number of health care professionals. A guideline is not allowed to suggest which healthcare provider performs these tasks. Healthcare professionals must be aware of and adhere to applicable laws and moral standards. This review may help the health professionals to evaluate the medication adherence and render a rational therapy.
M. Ranga Priya*, M. Nithya, R. Manivannan, V. Gokulraj, V. Kabilavan, A. Murugesan, Bipin Byju.
The main aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of most heat fomentation and icepack application on thrombophlebitis among patients receiving ionotropic infusion. True experimental pre-test post-test design was adopted. The study was conducted in the coronary and medical intensive care unit of Sree Abirami Hospital, Coimbatore. 60 samples (30 each in experimental group I and II) were selected using simple random sampling technique. The conceptual framework selected for the study was based on Wieden bach’s Helping Art of Clinical Nursing Theory (1970). Pre-test was done for both groups using semi- structured interview schedule and modified visual phlebitis scale. The intervention given was moist heat fomentation, twice daily with duration of 15minutes and ice pack application twice daily of 15 minutes for 3 consecutive days. Post-test was conducted in both groups, after 3 days of pre-test by using same scale. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Background: Anseba Zone has witnessed several dengue fever outbreaks. As a result, community-based dengue intervention was introduced in 2020 and possibly come with a satisfactory outcome. However, people's awareness of dengue fever (DF) has never been assessed. Therefore, the present study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) on dengue fever of Keren town residents. Method: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Keren town, encompassing 369 households (HHs). Data on the socio-demographic characteristics and KAPs of the participating HH heads or any adult 18 and above years old were collected using a structured questionnaire. Data was entered and analyzed via SPSS version 23 software. Results: More than 99% of the respondents have heard of dengue. And 94% of them identified fever as the main sign of DF. Moreover, the respondents have a good level of knowledge of the other common symptoms like muscular pain (62.1%), headache (62%), and joint pain (52%). More than 68% agreed on the seriousness of DF, 81% agreed they have an essential role in DF prevention, and more than 87% believed DF could be prevented. Respondents reported that they used mosquito nets, repellents and house screening as the primary preventive methods. Generally, 61.5%, 48.5%, and 47.4% of respondents had good knowledge, good attitude, and good practice. This result indicated that respondents had good knowledge, poor attitude, and poor practice. Conclusion: A pretty good knowledge, poor attitude and poor practice was observed in the study population. Thus, the Ministry of Health should implement inclusive community involvement and multi-sectoral collaboration to improve the community's knowledge, attitude and practice.
Mensur Yenus*, Samuel Jirom Wolday, Amanuel Kflemariam, Linto M. Thomas, Anjana Kuriakose.
Background: To design a maternal handwashing intervention for the infantile period, this qualitative study explored drivers of handwashing among mothers and caregivers of infants in Aba-shawl sub zone. Objective: The objective of this study is to assess the drivers of hand washing behavior among mothers and caregivers of infants in Aba-shawl subzone, Asmara, Eritrea. Methodology: This qualitative study was conducted from July to December 2019 in Aba-shawl sub-zone, Asmara. All participants in this study were selected using chain referral sampling. In-depth interviews were conducted with 20 mothers and caregivers of infants. One focus group discussion was done in Edaga-hamus Communiy Hospital with 8 mothers of infants from Aba-shawl subzone and two key informants were interviewed; one health professional in Edaga-hamus IMNCI unit and one administrator of Aba-shawl subzone. In addition to that the researchers observed the general conditions of the community including cleanliness, availability and accessibility of water, toilet and other cleaning facilities. Results: The barriers to hand washing behavior of mothers and caregivers of infants identified in this society include; new responsibilities of nurturing an infant, increased workload when nurturing an infant in addition to rearing other children, lack of affordability of hand washing materials for frequent use, lack of hand washing materials in the locations where mothers and caregivers and infants spend most of their time, elders' fear of excessive exposure to water and thereby opposing frequent hand washing behavior of mothers and caregivers of infants. Motivators of hand washing behavior of mothers and care givers of infants identified in this society include; mothers’ and caregivers’ perceptions of good motherhood, perception that soap is necessary to clean hands particularly for visual dirt and improving the smell of hands, support from husbands and other family members, availability of soap and close proximity of water and hand washing station and other hand washing facilities, perceived benefit of hand washing for prevention of childhood illnesses primarily diarrhea and other stomach problems, verbal cues from close ones regarding hand washing before and after breastfeeding and environmental factors like the overall conditions of the study site. Conclusion: The study findings from the mother and caregiver component suggest that there are sizable opportunities to improve hand washing behavior among mothers and caregivers of infants in Aba-shawl. This study is expected to attract the attention of responsible authorities to address their efforts of improving hand washing behavior of mothers and health of infants by focusing their attentions to the specific barriers and motivators prevailing in this study area.
Background: In Eritrea malaria is still remains a public health concern despite the drastic decline in morbidity and mortality. Malaria RDT is highly used as a diagnostic tool in health stations and community health agents, while blood film or microscopy used from health center and above in Eritrea. Objective: The study aimed to explore the quality of Care StartTM Malaria PAN (PLDH) Ag RDT which is used to diagnose malariain health stations and community health agents in selected health facilities of Areza sub zone. Methods: This study was carried out as a cross-sectional laboratory survey during the period (July - September 2020). The study was carried out in 3 selected health facilities of Areza sub zone, southern region, Eritrea, which were selected randomly. The study tested 139 RDT’s. Health facilities having microscopy cross checked RDT so as to know the quality and accuracy of RDT. A systematic random sampling was used for selecting the RDT. After collection of the data, the variables (responses) were coded and entered into SPSS software version 23 and cleaned. Descriptive statistics was used to compare results among the study groups using frequency distribution count and percentages. Results: At control line 46% becomes very bright and 48.5% at ‘T’ line, where as 54% of control line and 51.5% becomes faint. 4.7% of the RDT result becomes false negative result (in Blood film, result positive whereas RDT, result negative). 3.5 % invalid result has been obtained from RDT test assessment. Some RDT appear faint in test line after 20 minute but was confirmed as Negative result by Blood film. Conclusion: As the time is extended, the RDT result changed and this leads to wrong reading result. Therefore it is very difficult to decide whether the patients to be treated or not. This RDT is difficult for CHA to interpret the result, as a result there was more complain from CHA and other Health facility having RDT.
Alexander Tekie Berhe, Solomon Tesfu Sereke, Samuel Jirom Wolday*.